In India, OnePlus has unveiled its latest addition to the TWS range. OnePlus has introduced Nord Buds, the company’s first Nord audio product. The Chinese smartphone maker has also announced the OnePlus 10R and OnePlus…
Wireless Earbude
- AccessoriesHeadphones/Earpods
Nokia introduced Comfort Earbuds and Go earbuds+ at competitive prices; Check details
Nokia recently held an event in India to promote its new product offerings. Nokia G21, Nokia C01 Plus cheap phone, and Nokia 105 and Nokia 105+ feature phones were also unveiled at the event. Along…
- टुडेस टेकटेक प्रोडक्टब्लूटूथ डिवाइसहेडफोन / ईयरपॉड्स
ये है बेस्ट 5 ईयरबड जोकि इंडियन मार्किट में काफी पसंद किये जा रहे हैं
by Mukul Sharmaby Mukul Sharmaजब हम Earbuds ( ईयरबड ) की बात करते हैं तो इसमें Wireless connectivity ( वायरलेस कनेक्टिविटी ) सबसे पहले आती है इसके बात इसका हाई डेंसिटी साउंड और फिर लुक, देखने में ये एअर…