As the name suggests here in this article we would be discussing about the latest technologies in India that arrived in year 2018.
- New technologies have solved so many pressing issues and the practice is still in continuance. Technology is all around us and it has changed our daily lives a lot, making it easier, better and hassle free.
- Devices are becoming day by day and alongside has arised a need of better platforms and architectures to support this digital transformation. To get the best out of these tech, it is must to keep one updated with the latest trends in this field.
Latest tech trends that are there to rule the roost in 2018 and beyond
- Mesh tech that interconnects a lot of different devices
Mesh networking goes beyond desktop and mobile devices. It covers a wide range of devices, appliances and interfaces that are human interactive. With the increase in mesh size, the number of interactions increase. There has been a significant development in the development of wearable tech and augmented reality, all of which are interconnected with IoT devices in a seamless and interconnected mesh
- Information of everything to be available
Each and every technology around us uses large amounts of data to enable intercommunication. This data can be used in collaboration with AI to study usage patterns of its users and further use it for marketing products and services.
- Need to invest in Cyber Security
Security in the IoT field needs to be agile and flexible given its increasing rate of penetration in daily human life. It needs to be both adaptive and fluid. IoT app developers and designers must give prime consideration to the security in app during SDLC. There are plans to use entity behaviour analytics across enterprises and multi-layered security measures in the following year.
Alongside this there are a whole lot of technologies that came into Indian market recently i.e 2018 with a promising future.
Note :
- AI: Artificial Intelligence
- SDLC: Software Development Life Cycle
- IoT: Internet of Things