- Healthifyme
This app also monitors and encourages you to consume a nutritious diet combined with a daily regimen of exercises to lose weight or to stay fit.it has a panel of dieticians, nutritionists, trainers who provide you with personal advice.
- Daily Yoga
The art of staying fit with breathing techniques combined with dexterous body movements which are gentle is what yoga is all about. It aims at the holistic wellness and has been practiced for centuries in India. This app assists in learning and doing yoga the right way for maximum benefit.
- 7 Minute Workout
One of the most popular healthcare apps worldwide, this app just asks for the user to devote 7 minutes of their time anywhere and anytime for a quick workout. It is based on the High Intensity Circuit Training program offering a set of 12 exercises to be done for just 30 seconds each with a 10 second break in between.