2019 is a new era where people ask the WI-FI password before socializing with the person
they are meeting. Whether it is a cafe or a restaurant or a hotel, people cannot live without the
internet as it has become the main source of networking with people. People used to
communicate face to face before smartphones were invented, and it was very hard for people,
especially for families who are staying apart from each other to communicate without any
hindrance. Due to the evolution in technology and how people perceive communication, long
distance is just a word now. You can video call people across the nation or the globe to speak
to your loved ones without feeling like you are missing out on the important events.
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Communication was considered as the key factor while building a smartphone, as the basic
requirements of a smartphone is to be able to communicate with people in any means
possible, i.e. text, MMS, Photos, calls, video calls and many more. Accessing information
from various countries and translating them into our own language has never been easier. It is
only possible with communication apps which let people create a community or a society
who help each other understand the culture and the information generated.
Mobile Social Network is a term which is being used to describe an online community where
people from different backgrounds and people who don't even know each other are gathering
over similar interests. The graphic user interface allows people to converse with each other in
any domain like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snap-chat, Twitter and other social media
networking sites. These social networking sites are known for sharing media and information,
and have proven to be the only platform where millions of people can join together for a good
cause or alert others.
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Networking apps like Instagram and Snap chat is letting people connect without giving all the
details about the person. Similarly, Tinder was created to connect people who want to either
date or are seeking a partner in the social world and wants to share their interest with
someone. Mobile gaming also has a feature to be a part of a group and play against the
common enemy, due to these games many people have said to connect with someone who is
totally unexpected, but in a good way. Therefore, due to mobile social networking, people are
eager to connect with new people who have similar interest and showcase their interest in
other people. It is not necessary that the communication should be face to face, people can
connect over any platform.