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Disadvantages of using a Smartphone

by TechMobi Desk
SmartPhone Disadvantages

This topic has attracted a lot of attention worldwide and the trend is showing no visible symptoms to slow down in the coming future. As smartphones become more and more technologically advanced, feature filled and affordable, its penetration is increasing in the global population and proportionately its uses are being explored more and more in the negative domain.

Some of the Disadvantages of the SmartPhones:

SmartPhones have become an integral part of both our personal and professional lives. The result is that even on nights we cannot switch off these devices. In other words, they need to be operational 24*7*365 and we need to take them along, even when we are on a morning walk i.e. when our offices are not open. The health issues due to radiation exposure have also become a daily affair when we keep them on our bedside in form of alarm clocks.

  • Eye Problems

Nowadays even mid range smartphones come with big screens that have high contrast ratio/brightness. So, prolonged exposure to these screens causes eye strain and in later stages eye weakness i.e. poor vision. As a result, most of the users who use Smartphones for prolonged times end up having glasses and to the eye doctor’s surprise they are at small ages in their lifetime when they have the least expectancy for having them.

  • Genetic Disorders/Mutation

Most of the smartphone population keep their smartphones in the front pockets of their clothes, where the skin is very thin and hence more prone to negative effects of radiation, which is proven to cause damage to genes and in most cases destroying them. Conclusively (based on scientific studies), males who are keeping smartphones in this pose beginning from younger ages are more prone to male fertility disorders.

  • Work-Life Imbalance

It has been noticed that most of the world population waste a lot of productive hours on smartphones doing social media activities. As a result these wasted productive hours add exponentially to the negative growth rate of a nation and ultimately the world.

  • Road Accidents

Worldwide a lot of traffic accidents happen are reported on daily basis, when people mix smartphone usage and driving together. As a result, most nations in the world have banned smartphone usage during driving and made it a punishable offence.

To conclude there are more and more researches being conducted worldwide so as to bring out the dark side of smartphone’s excessive intrusion in human life out in the open for a successful and conclusive debate and use the same to develop technologies and administrative policies to counter it.


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