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How To Fight Mobile Phone Addiction?

by Nitin Sinha
Mobile Phone Addiction

Do you get yourself continually messaging, surfing the web, sending messages, utilizing applications and making diversions? Depending how much time and exertion you put into those circumstances, you may have an issue with inordinate wireless use.

Having mobile phone advantages are very high but you should not let these advantages make as an addiction. Mobile phone addiction can be really dangerous and can ruin your social life. So always be careful with your mobile phone addiction and do not let it take over you.

Let us see some of the ways of how to fight mobile phone addiction:

1. Going on a cell phone diet: Having mobile phone advantages are so much. You can constrict your usage of mobile. You can make a schedule of how many hours you can use the phone and go on a cell phone diet. The mobile phone addiction is certainly really bad for health as well as your mental health.

2. Spend more time with friends and families: Keep yourself busy by trying to spend more time with people. Make new friends, go out with them and indulge very less with your phone. This will certainly stabilize your mobile phone addiction.

3. Considering alternatives than using your mobile phones: You can spend your time doing some productive and resourceful rather than using our phone. Mobile phone advantages may lead us to use it more often but that shouldn’t bother you much and you should have a peaceful mind.

4. Engage yourself in something productive: Try doing something healthy like involving yourself in healthy exercises or writing or reading. This just won’t help you grow as a person but also will help your mobile phone addiction. Do something which makes both your mind and soul happy. Hanging out with friends or even doing art is proven to be one of the best things.



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