Popular sound gadgets Boat has launched a new neckband earphone Rockerz 330 Pro in the Indian market. The price of these newly launched earphones is priced at Rs.1499. The company claims that customers will get a long battery backup of 60 hours. Moreover, the company claims that it will give up to 20 hours of music playback in 10 minutes of charging. With such a long battery backup, this will be a great option for a great music experience on long journeys. You will be able to buy Boat Rockerz 330 Pro in 5 colour options, i.e, Active Black, Navy Blue, Teal Green, Raging Red and Blazing Yellow.
Also read: Mobile Earphones Review: Best Earphones Available In The Market Right Now
- These new earphones support Bluetooth version 5.2.
- It comes with high-end features like dual pairing, fast pairing, high power efficiency for better connectivity range and better battery life.
- Besides, you can access your phone’s virtual voice assistant with just one tap.
- The Rockerz 330 Pro is equipped with massive 10mm drivers that deliver a crystal clear and powerful bass without a hitch.
- Boat Rockerz 330 Pro is built for long-term wear with IPX5 water and dust resistance.
- It offers 20 hours of backup on 10 minutes of charging. The company says that these neckband earphones have the feature of ASAP charge, which creates a backup of 20 hours in just 10 minutes of charging.
- It has a multi-function button, through which you will be able to receive or reject the calls of the smartphone.